Each September hosts meaningful days to remember and honor our country. This year, Labor Day falls on Monday, September 4th. The holiday always takes place on the first Monday of September. In addition, this month, Watertown Mews remembers 9/11 while honoring the memories of those we lost. Before it was a federal holiday, Labor…
Watertown Mews Blog
Yes, yes we know summer doesn't end until the 23rd- but fall is right around the corner! Autumn is home to cooler weather, Halloween, and pumpkin spice! But we are getting ahead of ourselves. September is the start of something new. Watertown Mews encourages you to embrace it. As mentioned, autumn doesn’t start until…
The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. This exercise can help reduce anxiety, increase relaxation, and help people get to sleep. Even doing it once can be a form of self-care that doesn’t take long to complete. However, when you can,…
It is unfortunately not the most wonderful time of the year because it is officially back-to-school season. Watertown Mews wants everyone to be prepared for another great school year and squeeze out any summer fun left! First and foremost, let’s get outside and enjoy the summer weather, in any way you can! Anything from…
The United States Independence Day is annually celebrated on the fourth of July. A federal holiday in the US since 1941 but the history and tradition of the celebration goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. It was July 2nd, 1776 when the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. Two…
Who’s ready to beat the heat? Don’t get us wrong we are loving the July summer weather! However, a cool refreshing treat can be just what you need right now. Using your state-of-the-art kitchen here at Watertown Mews, check out these delicious treats to make all summer long- maybe even all year long! Lemon…
Happy June! Summer is officially here Watertown Mews residents! Well officially on the 21st, but that is right around the corner. Summer starts every year on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year- the day with the most sunlight. Now that warmer weather and longer days are here to stay, there needs to…
After celebrating Mother’s Day in May, now is the time to pay the same respect to our paternal figures. To no surprise, Father’s Day is dedicated to honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds, respecting fathers and all father figures. Especially in the United States, but worldwide, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June.…
This year, Memorial Day is honored on May 29, 2023. Watertown Mews is proud to celebrate Memorial Day as a federal United States holiday that honors America’s military members who have lost their lives in service to our country. Always observed on the last Monday of the month of May. For a lot of…
With over 100 countries celebrating, including here in Watertown, MA, Sunday, May 14th will be the celebration of Mother’s Day in 2023. A special day dedicated to celebrating mothers and maternal figures, and their influence and impact on society and family. Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908, founded by Anna Marie Jarvis in…